Friday, March 20, 2009

Step By Step

While walking down the stairs at my school, Big Kid says, "Mommy, let's not race down the steps today. It is hard for me to keep up with you. My legs are small. Well, actually, I am just young and short."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Math Problem

As he is relieving himself near a tree outside, Big Kid says, "Mommy, here's a math problem for ya. Pee-pee plus dirt equals MUD!"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So, today we're in a workshop to learn how blogging can be used in education. One of our objectives is to post something on a blog we created.

Mission Accomplished

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another Year

Another year is coming to a close, and aside from my kids, I don't feel like I have contributed greatly to this world. I have also had realizations like, "I am so old," and "I should make a New Year's Resolution to lose weight, but I have done that for the past umpteen New Year's, and I have never done it, so what makes me think that this one's gonna be any different?"

I wonder if anyone ever feels content with themselves and with life. Or is that what life is all about- working, stressing, trying to make yourself feel content?

Guess I'll keep working, stressing, and trying... Ugh- this is tiring...

More Fruit, Please!

While trying to use the bathroom, Big Kid was struggling to get it moving, if you know what I mean. After grunting a few times, he said, "I guess I need to eat more fruit, huh Mommy?"

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kids Say the Funniest Things

Big Kid says the funniest things. I think that I won't ever forget them, but I have already forgotten so much. I am hoping this blog helps me to keep a record of all the hilarious sayings. Here are some I remember...

  • Daddy was trying to explain how the boat works as the two of them were working in the garage. Big Kid says, "Daddy, please spare me the details!"

  • Jokingly at the store, Daddy says, "We are just going to leave you at WalMart." Big Kid says, "Nooo! We are going to leave YOU at WalMart," and laughs hysterically. I say, "Would you ever wanna leave Mommy at WalMart?" Big Kid says, "Oh, no! Then we wouldn't have a breastfeeder!"

  • Talking to my mom on Christmas day, BK says, "You'll never guess what Santa didn't bring me! -COAL!" (I guess maybe I threatened the "coal" thing a little too much!)

  • In his 4K class, the teachers were talking about the fall season, jumping in leaves, etc. BK offers the comment, "Mommy is going to be able to run and jump in the leaves with me when she gets all the milk out of her breasts."

See, I have already run out of memories... I guess I will add random quotes as I remember them!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Do I Do With This?

Well, I have a blog now. Apparently this is what people do these days. I kinda feel like a fish out of water, but I will try to act like I know what I am doing. Now, what to write about???